9. 10. 2023
Úvodní slovo mám za sebou. Mluvím o manuálu pro začínající autokraty a diktátory začátečníky. Pokud by se chtěl někdo inspirovat….je to delší a je to anglicky, ale be my guest:
„I start maybe a little easier but about very serious topic.
Although I have a true believe that everyone sitting in this room is a genuine democrat and protector of the rule of law, I prepared – Ten Commandments for Building an Autocracy – or let’s say a quick manual for state capture for authocrats beginners
1) Buy media yourself or through your friends and relatives
2) Staff the state election commission with your own people
3) Staff the constitutional court or the highest judicial body in the country with your own people
4) Blackmail state employees with fat obolus
5) Stuff as much money as you can into the retirees regardless of the budget
6) Ridicule the opposition or shut them down over trivia
7) Make friends only with like-minded individuals in your global geographic area
Kick the ankles of minorities, you’ll look like a king
9) Attack and accuse NGOs that they are mere rich freeloaders
10) Be funny and keep looking folksy and democratic while claiming to be a conservative patriot.
Then there is no need to manipulate elections. They will be completely transparent and fair.
It’s done creepily at first, and then it goes big, all over the place. Even with similar propaganda slogans and patterns for marketing graphics. I actually think they must have some special whatsup group or something where they share best practices how to do it. We could observe these processes in many countries, even in quite old democracies and dear colleagues we must be very careful and the alarm in us must be activated whenever we notice such symptoms.“